Just For Practice

Monday, August 2, 2010

What's been going on?

On Thursday, Cade and I traveled to Sulphur Springs for PaPaw Coy's memorial service. The service went very well and it was really neat to hear one of his old friends talk about what an amazing man PaPaw was! While we were there we went by to visit my other grandad that had recently been in the hospital with cancer. I was absolutely AMAZED at how much better he looked and felt! And it had only been about a week since I'd seen him! I was very glad Cade and I got to go by and visit him. Of course while we were there we saw my WONDERFUL cousins, who are always such a joy to be around and a great help with my lil monster!
We made it home Thursday evening just in time for some Mommy Time!! It was GNO at the Pottery Cafe. You take a bottle of wine and paint pottery with your girlfriends! We had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!!! Those girls are so much fun to hang out with! We all agreed we would be there next month too!
Friday was one of my "bestest" friends birthday! Amy and I met Lindsay for lunch at McAlister's and celebrated with some red velvet cupcakes! Yummy!! That evening our family met all of Lindsay's family downtown for dinner at Don Juan's! After that we went to Honey & Poppy's for the world's best banana pudding. Our sweet hubbies took the boys home so that Lindsay, Honey & I could have a little girl time!
As long as Biggin' has his cars he is good to go!
He thinks he can do everything by himself!
Aww he loves his BFF, Cooper!
Playing with Uncle JC
Saturday my brother and sister-in-law came down and hung out to visit us and see Cade.  We took them to Rib Master's for dinner and they feel in love!!! If it wasn't so far away they would eat there as often as we do! Yesterday was family day! Church, family lunch, and hanging out! My niece Brooke is leaving today to go to France for 3 months, all by herself!!! We had a family lunch to tell her bye!  I know she will have a blast and she will get to see Julien while she is there! Please keep her in your prayers as she embarks this new journey! We love you Brooke!

The SAD news... school starts in 2 weeks!!! Where has the summer gone?? I literally get nauseous thinking about getting my room ready, Cade starting a new daycare and leaving my baby every day! Uggh! I know after about the first month we will be back in our routine and it will be fine but until then it's stress city!! Here are some Meet the Teacher treats I've been making for my class!

pull the ribbon...
popcorn slides out!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Death and Birthdays All in One Weekend

Sad news first... My Papaw Coy passed away earlier this evening. It had really been a long 35 days in the hospital for him and the family. My mom, dad and sister have spent everyday there and I know they must be exhausted!! We do know he is a much better place without an of his illnesses. PTL!! Please continue to keep the McCoy family in your prayers, as they still have a rough road ahead.

Brighter news . . . Thursday, Cade and I went with the Sewell's out to The Villages to swim. It is awesome out there! We went to the pools at the Beach Resort. Cade had a blast but of course was done after about 25 minutes of being there! 30 minute drive there for 30 minutes and then 30 minutes back home! I would have loved to have stayed longer but I don't think it would have been very enjoyable with Mr. Grumpy! Thanks to the Sewell's for inviting us! Here are some pictures of Cade & Addison. They are just 5 days apart!
On Saturday we had 2 birthday parties . . . outside! Uggh it was so hot but we had a blast at both of them! The first party was for Morgan! She turned 2!! The kids had a blast playing on her new swing set and in the sprinkler and pool!
Morgan cracks me up because she always wants to love on Cade!
Our sweet friend Katherine!
Mr. Trouble
Just a swingin'
Morgan wanted to push Cade!
Time for more loving...Cade was trying his hardest to get away! LOL
Cade helped Morgan out by giving her a push on her new tricycle!

The 2nd party we went to was for Ellie! (my cousin's little cutie) She turned the big ONE!!! Another fun time at this party! They had rented a giant double slip-n-slide. It looked like so much fun, too bad I didn't bring my swimsuit! It is hard to say whether the kids or the adults loved it more. Daniel and Cade had a BLAST! Cade was a kinda small to really do it but daddy helped him out!
Pizza Face
My Cousin Angie & Ellie (She may kill me for posting a picture of her but I thought this picture was gorgeous!)
Cade thought he really needed to check out Ellie's gifts!
Yummy! It looks like she has on pink lipstick!
So sweet. . .  looking at Big Brother!
Here are some actions shots of Daniel & Mike racing on the slip-n-slide!

There goes Cade!
Daddy was there to help him out!

Ethan wanted to go really far!
Cade was getting sleepy so Aunt Andie pushed him in the swing!

Thought these pics were too cute not to share! Cade decided to play in a box that we had brought in tonight!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Visiting Papaw

This morning Cade and I headed to Sulphur Springs to visit my papaw (his great papaw)in the hospital. A few months ago he was diagnosed with cancer. The last month has really been a struggle for him and the rest of the family! He has been going through chemotherapy and radiation. The treatments really suppressed his appetite and he had no desire to eat and wasn't drinking enough fluids. He lost a lot of weight and got to the point he couldn't even get up to walk because of dehydration. The doctor put him in the hospital and then they decided that putting in a feeding tube would be the best way to keep him hydrated and eating. He was then sent home with the feeding tube and had a home healthcare nurse coming to check on him. The end of last week he started having severe stomach cramping and was again admitted to the hospital. After different scans and all that stuff the doctors and nurses said it was just pain from everything healing from putting in the feeding tube,so he was sent home. Well yesterday he was hurting again and the home healthcare nurse had him taken back to the hospital. The determined that there was an infection and abcess from the feeding tube. Once again he was in severe pain! At this point he had really gotten down in spirits! He was basically telling everyone he was tired and was ready to give up! But God had different plans! Today they went in to remove the feeding tube and put in a new one but once the doctor was able to see the abcess he was able just to clean it up without having to have him go through the whole process again. This was another answered prayer! If he continues to do well he will get to go home tomorrow! PTL!
I was so thankful that Cade and I made it to the hospital to see him before the surgery! Oh and my wonderful, precious, thoughtful husband decided to surprise us and show up at the hospital to visit too! Papaw's face just lit up watching Cade run around his hospital room. Each time Cade would giggle a huge smile would cover papaw's face! I truly believe God used Cade to give him a little more hope and to brighten his spirits! Before I left he told me how much he appreciated us coming to see him and that Cade had brightened his day! He smiled and told Cade that hopefully the next time he saw him that they could go for a ride on the four-wheeler! Please continue to pray for him and my family through this trying time!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mullen Family

Cade and I went swimming over at The Mullen's today! We had a blast! All 3 of those girls are just crazy which means never a dull moment. When Delaney opens her mouth you just never know what is going to come out!!! I LOVE it! The line that stuck with me today was - - Delaney did you put deodorant on? Her response: Girl no and it be smelling sour up in here! (as she sniffs her pits) The girl has no shame in her game and that's why I love her! I'm praying now, not only for her dear mother but all the middle school teachers!!!
     On a serious note I love this dear family SO MUCH!! They have just always been there for me! My first year to teach in Whitehouse I was truly blessed to have Delaney in my class. I'll NEVER forget, about the end of the 1st six weeks, Melody had requested a parent - teacher conference...I was a little nervous at first cause I thought hmm Delaney is an all A student and never gets in serious trouble... I sure hope there's nothing I've done. Melody walked in with me a big sweet tea (my favorite) and we just sat and chatted. I thought it was awesome that she really had no major concerns but just wanted to get to know her child's teacher and to let me know that she supported me! WOW if only we had more parents like that!!! Ever since Melody & I have been the best of buds! I was blessed again with a Mullen girl, Marley, 2 years ago.  Poor Marley didn't have me at a real great time . . . I was pregnant with Cade and put on bedrest halfway through the year! I don't know how I would have made it through both of those years because they were tough... new school district and then going through a rough pregnancy... if it hadn't been for Melody! Melody, I hope you know how much I appreciate you!
     I can't close on a serious note!!! Thinking back on all this made me remember something that Delaney asked me once... they had came to visit me at home when I was on bedrest and Delaney looked at me very seriously and said, "Mrs. Turner, can you still fit on the toilet?" ONLY Delaney would ask such a thing! Marley on the other hand was very upset with Delaney for asking me that because she was afraid Delaney had hurt my feelings! ROFL!!!
Here is a video of my big boy swimming today with floaties on!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Too Smart!

Today was a pretty calm Monday! I finally got some things done around the house that needed to be done (dusting, vacuuming, mopping, laundry). I was going to try to start transitioning Cade from 2 naps to 1 because I know when he starts back to daycare he will only get 1. BUT I think I'm going to take the advice of everyone else and just let him make that transition when he starts back! He was almost unbearable to be around without his morning nap!!! Brandi and Hudson came over to play and eat lunch. Hudson is such a sweetie. He seems so calm, especially compared to Cade. Well Cade didn't play much because he was so grumpy so after eating a little lunch I put him down for a nap! Then I was able to visit with Brandi & Hudson. LOL! It was nice getting to see them and hang out a while.
This afternoon after Daniel got home, Cade had went into the kitchen and I could hear him messing with the cabinets. As I peeked over the bar this is what I saw...
So much for the "safety" latches we had installed! What will be next?

Last night we went to Toy's R Us because we saw something in the Weekly Ad that Cade just had to have...
His own 4-wheeler!  He gets a little confused on how to get on correctly but figures it out pretty quick! It is taking some time for him to get "ok" with it. I think we will be prying him off before long!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Coop is ONE!!!

It seems just like yesterday I was in Lindsay's hospital room getting her cold rags for her forehead . . . and her it is a year later! We had a blast at Coop's camo party today! He is such a cutie and oh so precious.  Most of the time he has a very serious look on his face, like he is really thinking it all over and then he will look up at you and give you a big grin that is too die for! It was extremely hot today but the kiddos didn't mind because they were in the kid pools or enjoying the slip and slide. John & Lindsay did a great job putting together Cooper's 1st birthday party! Cooper Lee Hill, we look forward to watching you grown into a young man! Always remember that Aunt Wendie, Uncle Daniel & Cade, BFF love you very much!